Aims and Objectives :
The following are the aims and objectives of the society.
Most specifically, the objectives of the programme for which the Sikhya-O-Sikhya is established are : -
- To enrich the personal life of the workers and their families by providing opportunities of adult and technical education.
- To enable the worker to play a more effective role as a member of the family and as a citizen.
- To improve the occupational skills and technical knowledge of the worker for raising his efficiency and increasing productive ability.
- To organize programmes of vocational and technical training with a view to facilitating horizontal/vertical mobility and employability.
- To widen one range of his/her knowledge and understanding of the social, economic and political systems in order to create in him/her critical awareness about the environment.
- To facilitate, restructure of Indian Society with the help of Government, NGOs and the people.
- To work for National Integration, International Peace and Understanding.
- To take up programme/project for the helpless distressed, down-trodden and Socio-Economically Backward Classes.
- To take up programme/project on Adult Education, Mass Education, Elementary Primary and Higher Education.
- To take up different programmes for the Welfare of Children and Women.
- To take up projects for the welfare and rehabilitation of old people including opening up of Old-Age Home, Day Care centre etc.
- To take up programmes/projects for the protection and development of environment, ecological system.
- To take up Rural Development and Welfare project.
- To take up programmes/projects for the up-liftment of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and living Below Poverty Line.
- To take up progarmmes/projects for the welfare of the mentally retarded people and the disabled persons.
- To take up vocational training programmes and to establish Women's Hostel, Nari Samities, Ladies Club and Recreational Centres.
- To take up programmes/projects to fight pernicious diseases such as AIDs, Malaria, Leprosy etc. and to organize Health Checkup Camps, Eye Operation Camps, Family Welfare Camps and Legal Aid centres etc.
- To take up programmes/projects on Drug Addiction and other Malicious problems.
- To take up and organize relief camps, relief squards and ambulance services etc. and provide relief to those who have fallen victims of national calamities.
- To take up programmes/projects on agriculture and animal husbandry.
- To take up programmes/projects for all round development of the society.